(1766 σελ., εκδόσεις Kluwer, 2014).
Publisher: Kluwer (NL)
Language: English
Published: March 2014
Edition: 1st
Pages: 1766
ISBN: 9789013091762
Price: €115 (Price includes VAT. Only business accounts can reclaim VAT)
Ordering: To order the Book visit www.kluwer.nl (search by keyword ‘Constitutional Law’)
By: Boguslaw Banaszak, Martin Belov, Leonard F.M. Besselink, P.P.T. Bovend’Eert, Hans van den Brandhof, Hansko Broeksteeg, Alexander Bröstl, M.C. Burkens, Kristian Cedervall Lauta, Xenophon Contiades, N.S. Efthymiou, Vera Eiro, Alkmene Fotiadou, Jörg Gerkrath, Piet Gilhuis, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Gerhard Hoogers, Cristian Ionescu, Miluse Kindlova, Adriaan Kornelis Koekkoek, Constantijn Kortmann, Roel de Lange, Alecos Markides, Arne Marjan Mavcic, Jan de Meij, Kalle Merusk, Vaclav Pavlicek, Patricia Popelier, Lucas Prakke, Ian Refalo, Daiga Rezevskam, Camilo Schutte, Brakno Smerdel, Evgeni Tanchev, Jean Thill, Gabor Attila Toth, Vaidotas A. Vaicaitis, Teresa Violante.
Taking a fairly straightforward functional approach to constitutional law, a similar format has been chosen, addressing the most important topics expressed in the constitutions of the EU Member States: sources of constitutional law, form of state, form of government and political system, government powers and their limits, vertical division of powers, the judiciary, fundamental rights.